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This page describes the procedures implemented for website (hereafter, "Website") with reference to the personal data processing of the users who consult it (hereafter, "Users").

This informative note is in accordance with Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereafter, "GDPR") and addressed to visitors and users of the web services provided by the Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata (AIEAA), which are accessible electronically from the Website, corresponding to the first page of the AIEAA official website.

This notification is made for the Website only, and it should not be extended to other websites which could be accessed by the Users via links.

The data controller

The data controller (hereafter, "Controller") is the Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata (AIEAA), with headquarters c/o Università degli Studi della Tuscia, Dip. DAFNE, Via San Camillo de Lellis, snc. Viterbo (VT). The Controller's email address is: The data controller is also responsible for processing data.

Types of data processed

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures for the operation of the Website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

The following items fall into this data category: IP addresses or domain names of the computers or terminals used by the Users who connect to the Website; the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) notation addresses of the requested resources; the time of the request; the method used to submit the request to the server; the size of the files obtained in reply; the numeric code indicating the server response status (OK, error, etc.); other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the Users.

Data the Users provide voluntarily

(i) The optional, explicit and voluntarily transmission of emails to the contact addresses of the Controller as well as

(ii) the compilation and transmission of forms available on the Website imply the acquisition of the sender's address, which is necessary to respond to his/her query, as well as any other personal information contained in the emails and in the registration forms.

In addition, Users give their consent to the use of his/her image for the purposes of publication on the Association's website, on the Association's social pages, on material promoting association activities.

Specific information will be published on the Website pages dedicated to the supply of specific services.

Cookies and other tracking systems

Refer to the section: Cookie Policy.

Aims and legal basis of data treatment

The personal data treatments are necessary to allow Users to optimally navigate on the Website.

Data the Users provide voluntarily

Relative to the treatments described in (i) and (ii) above:

(iii) the personal data handling is aimed at answering the Users' requests and is based on the implementation of pre-contractual measures adopted by the Users upon request;

(iv) the personal data handling is aimed at forwarding the newsletter related to the activities of the Controller and/or at registering to events organized by the Controller, in execution of specific requests of registration to the newsletter and/or to specific events voluntarily put forward by the Users. For more information about the treatment of personal data related to e-mailing for the newsletter and other institutional initiatives, refer to the relevant informative note.

Cookies and other tracking systems

The use of technical cookies is necessary to allow Users to optimally navigate on the Website.

The installation of "third party" profiling cookies, as described in the Cookie Policy, is based on the User's explicit consent.

Methods and compulsory/non-compulsory nature of the data treatment

The personal data handling is implemented both automatically and manually:

(v) relative to the aims illustrated in point (iii) above, the transmission of all requested data is compulsory, since, without this information, it is not possible to respond to the User's requests and queries.

(vi) relative to the aims illustrated in point (iv) above, the treatment is implemented via email and the indication by the User of his/her email address is compulsory, since, without this information, it is not possible to provide the newsletter service. The transmission of other personal data is not compulsory: if provided, this additional information could be used to manually select the Website contents which are closest to the User's interests.

Storage period of personal data

All personal data transmitted by the User within the specific services provided by the Website will be stored until the opposition right is exerted by the User. In absence of any explicit opposition, the personal data will be stored until the newsletter service is active and, in any case, for a maximum period of 5 years. Subsequently, all personal data will be erased.

Categories of personal data recipients

For the aims described above, the personal data will be transmitted to:

  • the Website managers, the staff members involved in the provision of the specific service requested by the Users, the computer systems staff members, the staff members involved in data security and storage, subjects who are authorized to the personal data treatment by the Controller;
  • to external subjects who are involved in the management and maintenance of the Website and who provide the Website technical services, as well as to subjects who provide email services.

Rights of interested parties

In any time the Users can freely exercise all their rights regulated by Arts. from 15 to 22 of the GDPR - among which the right to access, consult, modify, erase ("right to be forgotten"), the right to limit the personal data treatment, and, if appropriate, to ask for and obtain the transmission of their personal data to a different controller (data portability), as well as the right of objecting the treatment of their personal data for the aims above stated at any time, without any explicit motivation, by writing to the Controller at the email address:, or via ordinary mail to the Controller's legal head office.

Right to complain

Interested parties who believe that the treatment of their personal data put forward by the Website violated the GDPR have the right to address their complaints to the Personal Data Protection Supervisor, as stated by Art. 77 of the GDPR, o to take action before the appropriate courts (Art. 79 of the GDPR).