Winter Event: April 2025 (online)
Summer Event: 18th June 2025, 14.00 at the University of Pisa
Mark your calendar and prepare for engaging discussions on the future of agrifood systems!
What is the purpose of the 2025 Young Researchers' Days?
It will explore contemporary challenges related to sustainability and competitiveness of agri-food systems from a novel perspective, focusing on newcomers to the field and their research activities. At the same time, it aims to break the ice and foster a productive and dynamic discussion during all the AIEAA conference.
Join us at the AIEAA Young Researchers' Days, a platform to explore current research trends in applied and agricultural economics.
This year, AIEAA's Young Researchers will have an active role during 14th AIEAA Conference. To prepare a fruitful and vibrant contribution to the Conference, Young Researchers will be engaged into two events:
- 2nd Winter Researchers’ Day that will be held online in April 2025 (date to be defined);
- 3rd Young Researchers’ Day that will be held in presence at the University of Pisa close to the AIEAA pre-conference during which Young Researchers will moderate the Q&A section.
Our reflections and questions will be presented at the keynote speakers of the AIEAA pre-conference.
Registration and Submission
The registration for the 2nd Winter Young Researchers’ Day must be made using the provided template before February 28th, 2025. Participants intending to propose questions to be discussed at the event are requested to submit a proposal using the dedicate box in the form. All submitted proposals will be accepted and they will be expanded and discussed during an online group work session during the month of April to prepare our contribution at the 14th AIEAA Conference.
The registration to for the 3rd Young Researchers’ Day must be made through the AIEAA Conference platform (link)
Registration to both Researchers’ Days (winter and summer events) is available upon to be an active 2025 AIEAA member.
The participation is included in the AIEAA conference fee.
2nd Winter Young Researchers’ Day: 28th of February (form)
3rd Young Researchers’ Day: May 31st, 2025, through the AIEAA Conference platform (link).
Info and details about the activities and agenda of both events will follow.
Information and contacts
For updated information and contacts, please refer to the conference website at or email at