Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to inform you that the IAERE2025 Conference will host a special session entitled Agri-Food Systems and Environmental Dynamics: Bridging Sustainability and Climate Change. The special session is organized in collaboration with the Italian Association of Agriculture and Applied Economics (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata - AIEAA) and the Italian Society of Agricultural Economics (Società Italiana di Economia Agraria - SIDEA) and chaired by Prof. Daniele Curzi and Prof.ssa Paola Gatto.
The IAERE2025 Conference will be hosted by the Roma Tre University on February 20-21, 2025.
Submissions of contributions dealing with this topic are encouraged through this link.
November 15th, 2024: deadline for paper/long abstract submission
December 10th, 2024: notifications of paper/long abstract acceptance
January 10th, 2024: deadline for registration for inclusion in the Programme.
Best regards,
The AIEAA Board