The Agenda is available!
What and who
The objective of the AIEAA – Young Researchers’ Day is to give PhD student and earlier carrier researchers in agriculture and food economics the opportunity to present their work in progress in an informal conference setting and to get feedback from peers and invited senior economists who will provide guidance on how to conduct high-quality research. A social and networking event will allow PhD and early carrier researchers to meet and interact.
We invite contributions that fit broadly into one of the following very broad spectrum of domains
and related disciplines:
- Agribusiness studies;
- Trade and globalisation; Rural development;
- Sustainability, risk and uncertainty;
- Methodological developments;
- Agriculture and food policies.
Organisation & Programme
The Agenda is available!
Invited speakers
Giovanni Cerulli (CNR-IRCrES)
Steven Van Passel (Department of Engineering Management, Faculty of Economics – University of Antwerp)
PhD students and early carrier researchers are invited to submit:
- A short bio (maximum 150 words)
- A short abstract of an ongoing research project (maximum 500 words). It should be in English and should be divided in: i) objective and research questions; (ii) methodology; (iii) findings or expected results. Applicants will also be asked to clearly indicate which is the main challenge that are facing in the project and upload an imagine that could summarise their project.
- A manifestation of interest is required to support local organizer committee through this link
- Abstracts should be prepared according to the template available here.
- Contributions should be submitted through the conference management platform, Conftool, available at the conference webpage.
- Online payment and registration will be possible on the conference website
The Call is available here
Manifestation of interest
31/01/2023 here
Registration deadline
30€ including the social event
Venue & Accomodation
Università degli Studi di Milano
Milan, Italy
Organising committee
Cristina Vaquero Piñeiro, UniRoma3 (cristina.vaqueropineiro@uniroma3.it)
Michele Moretti, UniPi (michele.moretti@unipi.it)
Giorgia Giordani, CREA (giorgia.giordani@crea.gov.it)