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Giovanni Anania

With deep sadness we announce the untimely and sudden death of our friend and colleague Prof. Giovanni Anania on Wednesday, July 15th. Prof. Anania was one of the most active promoters and one of the founders of the AIEAA. Very active researcher at an international level, Prof. Anania was Full Professor at the University of Calabria (Italy) and President of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). We remember him for his scientific commitment, his moral integrity and his extraordinary human qualities.


In ricordo di Giovanni Anania

Annunciamo con prodonda tristezza la prematura e improvvisa scomparsa dell’amico e collega Prof. Giovanni Anania, avvenuta mercoledì 15 luglio. Il Prof. Anania è stato uno dei più attivi promotori e tra i fondatori dell’AIEAA. Attivissimo ricercatore a livello internazionale, il Professor Anania era ordinario dell’Università della Calabria e Presidente della European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). Lo ricordiamo per il suo impegno scientifico, la sua integrità morale e le sue straordinarie qualità umane.

"Un ricordo del Professore Giovanni Anania" di Rosanna Nisticò
"Il pensiero di Giovanni Anania", Margherita Scoppola in Agriregionieuropa, 42, September 2015

ICAE 2015. Special Session: A Tribute to Giovanni Anania: Scholar, Mentor, Friend, Milan, August 9, 2015

Tribute to Giovanni Anania
Message from the EAAE Board
Message from the President to the AAEA Members
Condolence letter from the German Association of Agricultural Economists (GeWiSoLa)
Condolence letter from the Members of the Association of Agricultural Economists in Slovakia (AAES)
Giovanni Anania's Curriculum Vitae